Digi X Org is a software platform that helps organizations manage their relationships with donors, volunteers, and other stakeholders. Increase donor engagement,event management,*background checks,automations, and more.
Create digital marketing with ease. Stand in front of technology with your software. Manage and run campaigns via email, SMS, and social media platforms without feeling overwhelmed.
Universal software that will manage your organization with one stop, Digi X Org. take a leap into the future with out unique software. Manage revenue, process payroll, invoicing, create content, measure and elevate your organization - all in ONE PLACE.
Check out our monthly pricing plans.
Don't see exactly what you are looking for? We can create custom packages to meet your needs. Pay for exactly what you need vs. bits and pieces.
New client leads (1k per month)
Marketing platform
Pipeline Management
Unified Dashboard
Email Marketing
Book and appointments
Mobile app access
Contribution Management
Leadership records
New member on boarding management
Board member on boarding management
Attendance tracking
Essentials CRM portal
1 Interactive Digital Spokesperson company videos for homepage (website integration)
Digital Spokesperson company videos at *member rate
Blog post articles (4 per month)
1.5K SMS
English/Spanish Language options
3 seats included
Background Screening
Everything in Essentials, PLUS
Drag-and-Drop Building Tools for website
Intelligent Pipelines
Member-Only content with log-in
2-Way SMS Marketing (+SMS charge)
Workflow Automation
Voice Call Management
1 Interactive Digital Spokesperson
Company videos for homepage (website integration)
Web Chat & Facebook Messenger Integration
3 Interactive Digital Spokesperson company videos(website integration)
3.5K SMS
Professional CRM Portal
Blog post articles (8 per month)
Kid's Check-in
20 Language options
8 seats included
40 hours per month staff for your operations
Background Screening
All Package Feature Custom Chat Bot
Built in Ai Integration
Unlimited DDA reporting
10 Digital Spokesperson videos (30 mins each)
Custom Studio quality Digital Spokesperson
40+ Language options
Special User Pricing
Computer hardware
Kids Check-in hardware
Background Checks
Payroll Services
HR Services
Manage multiple chapters/congregation on one platform
Custom hours per month staff for your operations (fully trained)
Custom seats
Using Digi X Org will consolidate your problem. so you can manage them all from ONE PLACE.
We at Digi X Org have the ability to create a custom solutions package for you. Save time and money with
Digi X Org. Now you can focus on your mission, The community.
Keep members of your organization safe by looking out for them. Run background checks on volunteers, staff members, etc. Add our kid's check-in software to provide an extra layer of security for your members. Make sure your records are secure and compliant. Digi X Org has the ability to automate the functions so you can serve your community without stressing over these tasks.
Have videos and procedures in place for your members for the unexpected (storms, active shooters, etc.).
Send email marketing of blogs and newsletters to keep your members in the loop. You can even make them interactive to really grab their attention.
Feature members or your community work in your newsletter or blog.
Let your members know you are active in your community and what your group is doing.
Using Digi X Org will consolidate your problem. so you can manage them all from ONE PLACE.
We at Digi X Org have the ability to create a custom solutions package for you. Save time and money with
Digi X Org. Now you can focus on your mission, The community.
Keep members of your organization safe by looking out for them. Run background checks on volunteers, staff members, etc. Add our kid's check-in software to provide an extra layer of security for your members. Make sure your records are secure and compliant. Digi X Org has the ability to automate the functions so you can serve your community without stressing over these tasks.
Have videos and procedures in place for your members for the unexpected (storms, active shooters, etc.).
Send email marketing of blogs and newsletters to keep your members in the loop. You can even make them interactive to really grab their attention.
Feature members or your community work in your newsletter or blog.
Let your members know you are active in your community and what your group is doing.
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